Steinbeis Global Institute Tübingen

The Institute for International Management & Leadership

Since 1998 Steinbeis University links theory and practice and advances education and further education as fundamental service in all-embracing knowledge and technology transfer. Global education with integration of real-life projects at the interface of technology and management is the unique feature of our institute. With the campus in Tübingen, we conduct research and educational programs all over the world.


Information about Steinbeis University

Green MLA®

Green Management & Leadership Award 2023

Learning from the best “green” companies

The benchmarking project is designed for companies that wish to evaluate the sustainability of their products, services and processes in an anonymous comparison.
Meet the top 3 sustainable companies 2021!


New Online Course

Technology Transfer according to the IMLead® Heptathlon Concept

If you are interested in boosting your manager career and become a technology transfer leader, this compact course will help you. Six practice oriented flexible modules with video lectures, two online colloquiums and individual coaching of your business project on demand.

New Certified Online Courses for IT & Digital Competences


In cooperation with Steinbeis India and ExcelR new certified courses for building up digital competences are launched in 2020. All courses are monitored by Steinbeis Global Institute Tübingen and are certified by Steinbeis+Akademie.

Centers of Excellence for Green Technologies


Green integrated concepts for strengthening the resilience of energy, health, water and food security with new integrated circulation concepts for waste to energy


Master of Business Engineering


A project integrated study course of the Faculty Technology & Engineering with a duration of 24 months



Prof. Dr. Bertram Lohmüller


Direktor und Partner

Innovationsmanagement, Strategieentwicklung, Marketing, Erschließung neuer Märkte, Benchmarking, praxisorientierte Managementtrainings, Projektbegleitung, Osteuropäische Märkte.


Tel. 07071/6059850
Email: bertram.lohmueller(at)
Prof. Dr. Rolf Pfeiffer


Direktor und Partner

Unternehmensführung, Marketing, Produkt-Markt-Strategien, Internationale Geschäftstätigkeit, Geschäftsanbahnung im Export, Internationale Personalentwicklung, Produktionsmanagement, Benchmarking, Unternehmensplanspiele.


Tel. 07071/6059846
Email: rolf.pfeiffer(at)
Violetta Sticker, Dipl.-Phil.


Organisation und Verwaltung

Unternehmensführung, Marketing, Produkt-Markt-Strategien, Internationale Geschäftstätigkeit, Geschäftsanbahnung im Export, Internationale Personalentwicklung, Produktionsmanagement, Benchmarking, Unternehmensplanspiele.


Tel. 07071/6059840
Email: violetta.sticker(at)
Cornelia Röhm


Studierendenbüro, Verwaltung

Betreuung von Studierenden und Dozenten, Terminplanung & Koordination, Seminaranmeldungen, Administration


Tel. 07071/6059852
Email: cornelia.roehm(at)
Petra Lohmüller, M.A.



Internationale Forschungsprojekte

Tel. 07071/6059852
Email: petra.lohmueller(at)
Norbert Wagemann, M. Sc.



CTO  Institut für nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung & Erneuerbare Energien | nReEn

Email: norbert.wagemann(at)
Dr. Alexander Petrikhin


Wiss. Mitarbeiter

Projekt Biomasse Donau-Delta

Email: alexander.petrikhin(at)
Denys Vynogradskyi, M.Sc. Mechanical engineering


Wiss. Mitarbeiter

Project Upcycling Holz-Palette

Email: denis.vinogradskiy(at)
Rysgul Baltabayeva, M.Sc. Chemie


Wiss. Mitarbeiterin

Projekt Astacus

Email: rysgul.baltabayeva(at)
Eugen Breining, Dipl.-Ing.


Projekmanagement, Konzeptentwicklung
Email: eugen.breining(at)
Dr. Andreas Frost

Schwerpunkte: Internationales Recht, Konfliktlösung durch Mediation, Schlichtung und Rechtsstreitigkeiten, Claim Management, Durchführung von ADR-Verfahren, Änderungsmanagement.

Maria Lazareva
Wiss. Mitarbeiterin

Projekt “Präsenz EnergyTech India”

Email: maria.lazareva(at)