Research Projects of SGIT Steinbeis Global Institute Tübingen & Steinbeis nReEn Institute

Research projects of SGIT Steinbeis Global Institute Tübingen are focusing on the topics management & leadership and technology management. Technological research projects are running in co-operation with Steinbeis Institute for Resource Management & Renewable Energies (nReEn) which is part of Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH.

The linkage between the two institutes is given by our experts who are doing their research in combination with lectures in the master’s study at SGIT. All experts working for the institute are scientists with a profound practical experience. A further linkage is given with the approach to conduct research projects together with international partner institutions. Our global network supports these activities.

Main research areas are:

Management & Leadership

  • Developing of a quality seal for applications using artificial intelligence and cyber physical systems
  • Investigation into hidden drivers for starting international research & development projects
  • The role of chief technology officers in international research projects
  • Further development of the management concept “Integrated Management & Leadership IMLead®”

International Research

  • Benchmarking projects in different fields. Scientific partner in the benchmarking projects International Best Factory Awards (IBFA) and International Best Service Awards (IBSA)
  • Initiating and management of open innovation project
  • Building up and management of international research and development clusters and developments of regional innovation concepts
  • Detailed project reports and feasibility studies
  • International benchmarking projects in technologies and technology management

Resources and Energy

  • New integrated systems for combining different approaches in green technologies
  • New integrated concepts for urban development
  • Energy audit, studies for green building, commercial, municipal sectors and industries, smart (city) design
  • Turnkey implementation and engineering services of energy consumption, measures and concepts. Studies for energy efficiency projects
  • Technical assistance in small scale industries on energy efficiency and conservation


  • New concepts for bio-economy
  • New approaches to waste management, recycling and upcycling
  • Technological solutions for water treatment, water filtration and water management
  • Waste heat recovery projects for industries
  • Using an self -developed test process for contaminated fresh water from lakes and rivers by nanofiter-techniques and molecular genetic protocols
  • New ways to combined perma-agri- and aquaculture-systems
  • Implementation of small scale agro forest and polyculture production systems
Prof. Dr. Bertram Lohmüller


Direktor und Partner

Innovationsmanagement, Strategieentwicklung, Marketing, Erschließung neuer Märkte, Benchmarking, praxisorientierte Managementtrainings, Projektbegleitung, Osteuropäische Märkte.


Tel. 07071/6059850
Email: bertram.lohmueller(at)
Prof. Dr. Rolf Pfeiffer


Direktor und Partner

Unternehmensführung, Marketing, Produkt-Markt-Strategien, Internationale Geschäftstätigkeit, Geschäftsanbahnung im Export, Internationale Personalentwicklung, Produktionsmanagement, Benchmarking, Unternehmensplanspiele.


Tel. 07071/6059846
Email: rolf.pfeiffer(at)
Violetta Sticker, Dipl.-Phil.


Organisation und Verwaltung

Unternehmensführung, Marketing, Produkt-Markt-Strategien, Internationale Geschäftstätigkeit, Geschäftsanbahnung im Export, Internationale Personalentwicklung, Produktionsmanagement, Benchmarking, Unternehmensplanspiele.


Tel. 07071/6059840
Email: violetta.sticker(at)
Cornelia Röhm


Studierendenbüro, Verwaltung

Betreuung von Studierenden und Dozenten, Terminplanung & Koordination, Seminaranmeldungen, Administration


Tel. 07071/6059852
Email: cornelia.roehm(at)
Petra Lohmüller, M.A.



Internationale Forschungsprojekte

Tel. 07071/6059852
Email: petra.lohmueller(at)
Norbert Wagemann, M. Sc.



CTO  Institut für nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung & Erneuerbare Energien | nReEn

Email: norbert.wagemann(at)
Dr. Alexander Petrikhin


Wiss. Mitarbeiter

Projekt Biomasse Donau-Delta

Email: alexander.petrikhin(at)
Denys Vynogradskyi, M.Sc. Mechanical engineering


Wiss. Mitarbeiter

Project Upcycling Holz-Palette

Email: denis.vinogradskiy(at)
Rysgul Baltabayeva, M.Sc. Chemie


Wiss. Mitarbeiterin

Projekt Astacus

Email: rysgul.baltabayeva(at)
Eugen Breining, Dipl.-Ing.


Projekmanagement, Konzeptentwicklung
Email: eugen.breining(at)
Dr. Andreas Frost

Schwerpunkte: Internationales Recht, Konfliktlösung durch Mediation, Schlichtung und Rechtsstreitigkeiten, Claim Management, Durchführung von ADR-Verfahren, Änderungsmanagement.

Maria Lazareva
Wiss. Mitarbeiterin

Projekt “Präsenz EnergyTech India”

Email: maria.lazareva(at)