Polyculture of Astacus astacus (European crayfish) with Coregonus wartmanni (whitefish)

Project Duration: 2015-2019

Project Overview

In this project a feasibility study of polyculture of Astacus Astacus (European crayfish) with Coregonus wartmanni (whitefish) was conducted. In the preparatory phase were collected and selected the water by suitable research partners, which are responsible for the study of polyculture in the feasibility phase. In the exploratory phase has been defined (objectives, indicators, research priorities, etc.) for the planned stages of feasibility of the study (mentioned below as a main project). In feasibility stage will be examined whether is possible one polyculture with Astacus astacus and Coregonus in different intensity stages in pond and circular economy and can be sensible economically operated.

Project Partners:

  • Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH Institut für nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung
  • Institut für Umweltwissenschaften der Universität Koblenz-Landau
  • Zoologisches Institut der CAU zu Kiel Arbeitsgruppe Prof. Dr. Brendelberger
  • Senect GmbH & Co .KG Dr. Andreas Mäck
  • Krebszucht Oeversee – Helmut Jeske

Project aim – Product

In the planned feasibility phase in a pilot installation will be tested the possibility to generate the Astacus in association with Coregonus as co-product of aquaculture. It could be first successful 2 top products of aquaculture under utilization of synergy effects in parallel in the same waters. The demands on habitat and food, and the expected behavior towards each other can expect a successful cooperation. One problem with fish farming, namely with the accumulation of unaccepted fish feed on the pond floor, it´s connected with flush debris and appropriate cleaning effort should be mitigated considerably because just there the Astacus staying for feed intake. In the farms is possible again rationally to use unneeded water treatment facilities of the old ponds that in abundance. In the process it should be checked different degrees of eco-friendly extensive farming, in which part of the economic use it’s possible.

For the feasibility phase were stated the following objectives:

  • New product of biological combination Astacus astacus (European crayfish) and Coregonus wartmanni (whitefish) or Große Maräne
  • Research and description of the biological production processes
  • Representation of the supply chain, incl. procurement of breeding and feed production, logistics and distribution
  • Development of services such as monitoring of plant and equipment and services for aquaculture
  • Development of marketing concept Multiplication and scaling of research results to other interested companiesThe project was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Detailed Information here

Prof. Dr. Bertram Lohmüller


Direktor und Partner

Innovationsmanagement, Strategieentwicklung, Marketing, Erschließung neuer Märkte, Benchmarking, praxisorientierte Managementtrainings, Projektbegleitung, Osteuropäische Märkte.


Tel. 07071/6059850
Email: bertram.lohmueller(at)steinbeis.education
Prof. Dr. Rolf Pfeiffer


Direktor und Partner

Unternehmensführung, Marketing, Produkt-Markt-Strategien, Internationale Geschäftstätigkeit, Geschäftsanbahnung im Export, Internationale Personalentwicklung, Produktionsmanagement, Benchmarking, Unternehmensplanspiele.


Tel. 07071/6059846
Email: rolf.pfeiffer(at)steinbeis.education
Violetta Sticker, Dipl.-Phil.


Organisation und Verwaltung

Unternehmensführung, Marketing, Produkt-Markt-Strategien, Internationale Geschäftstätigkeit, Geschäftsanbahnung im Export, Internationale Personalentwicklung, Produktionsmanagement, Benchmarking, Unternehmensplanspiele.


Tel. 07071/6059840
Email: violetta.sticker(at)steinbeis.education
Cornelia Röhm


Studierendenbüro, Verwaltung

Betreuung von Studierenden und Dozenten, Terminplanung & Koordination, Seminaranmeldungen, Administration


Tel. 07071/6059852
Email: cornelia.roehm(at)steinbeis.education
Petra Lohmüller, M.A.



Internationale Forschungsprojekte

Tel. 07071/6059852
Email: petra.lohmueller(at)steinbeis.education
Norbert Wagemann, M. Sc.



CTO  Institut für nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung & Erneuerbare Energien | nReEn

Email: norbert.wagemann(at)stw.de
Dr. Alexander Petrikhin


Wiss. Mitarbeiter

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Email: alexander.petrikhin(at)steinbeis.education
Denys Vynogradskyi, M.Sc. Mechanical engineering


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Email: denis.vinogradskiy(at)steinbeis.education
Rysgul Baltabayeva, M.Sc. Chemie


Wiss. Mitarbeiterin

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Email: rysgul.baltabayeva(at)steinbeis.education
Eugen Breining, Dipl.-Ing.


Projekmanagement, Konzeptentwicklung
Email: eugen.breining(at)steinbeis.education
Dr. Andreas Frost

Schwerpunkte: Internationales Recht, Konfliktlösung durch Mediation, Schlichtung und Rechtsstreitigkeiten, Claim Management, Durchführung von ADR-Verfahren, Änderungsmanagement.

Maria Lazareva
Wiss. Mitarbeiterin

Projekt “Präsenz EnergyTech India”

Email: maria.lazareva(at)steinbeis.education