Research Presence India in Andhra Pradesh

Project Duration: 2017-2022

The project is focusing on the establishment of a joint research presence for transnational research & development projects in innovation management and several technologies (Acronym: InnoTech) between German and Indian partners. The main aim is to initiate R&D projects, to run project integrated master studies and to conduct management trainings in the areas of marketing and technology transfer. The pilot-project is focusing on Andhra Pradesh, but the network is open for partners from whole India.

Nucleus of the project is an “European Alliance Cluster” with about 10 centres of excellence for innovation & technology management in several technological areas in India. These centres themselves become part of the Indio-German Research Presence. The pilot activities are funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and have a duration of two years, started from July 2017. In this time period the network for the research presence will be developed.


Partners (Status: August 2018)


  • Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH | Institute for Sustainable Resource Usage & Energy Management (nReEn), Tübingen, Germany
  • SGIT Steinbeis Global Institute Tübingen | Steinbeis University, Germany
  • EEARC-European Education and Research Council (supported and funded by Indian government), Aachen, Germany
  • Export-Akademie Baden-Württemberg, Tübingen, Germany


  • Chennai Institute of Engineering and Technology, India | Centre of Excellence for Innovation & Technology Management for Indo-German Research Presence
  • Sagi Rama Krishnam Raju (SRKR) Engineering College, Chinaamiram, Bhimavaram, India | Centre of Excellence for Innovation & Technology Management for Indo-German Research Presence
  • Steinbeis Transfer Centre for Technology Transfer, Hyderabad, India | Centre of Excellence for Clean Technologies for Indo-German Research Presence
  • SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRM University), Vijayawada, India | Centre of Excellence for Innovation & Technology Management for Indo-German Research Presence

The partners intent to become „catalyst institution” for initiation, strengthening and supporting of research partnerships between German and Indian organisations, such as research institutes, universities and industry. Areas for innovation and technology management are for example clean technologies, mechatronics and Industry 4.0, smart production, smart city, smart home, smart health, etc.

Detailed information here

Prof. Dr. Bertram Lohmüller


Direktor und Partner

Innovationsmanagement, Strategieentwicklung, Marketing, Erschließung neuer Märkte, Benchmarking, praxisorientierte Managementtrainings, Projektbegleitung, Osteuropäische Märkte.


Tel. 07071/6059850
Email: bertram.lohmueller(at)
Prof. Dr. Rolf Pfeiffer


Direktor und Partner

Unternehmensführung, Marketing, Produkt-Markt-Strategien, Internationale Geschäftstätigkeit, Geschäftsanbahnung im Export, Internationale Personalentwicklung, Produktionsmanagement, Benchmarking, Unternehmensplanspiele.


Tel. 07071/6059846
Email: rolf.pfeiffer(at)
Violetta Sticker, Dipl.-Phil.


Organisation und Verwaltung

Unternehmensführung, Marketing, Produkt-Markt-Strategien, Internationale Geschäftstätigkeit, Geschäftsanbahnung im Export, Internationale Personalentwicklung, Produktionsmanagement, Benchmarking, Unternehmensplanspiele.


Tel. 07071/6059840
Email: violetta.sticker(at)
Cornelia Röhm


Studierendenbüro, Verwaltung

Betreuung von Studierenden und Dozenten, Terminplanung & Koordination, Seminaranmeldungen, Administration


Tel. 07071/6059852
Email: cornelia.roehm(at)
Petra Lohmüller, M.A.



Internationale Forschungsprojekte

Tel. 07071/6059852
Email: petra.lohmueller(at)
Norbert Wagemann, M. Sc.



CTO  Institut für nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung & Erneuerbare Energien | nReEn

Email: norbert.wagemann(at)
Dr. Alexander Petrikhin


Wiss. Mitarbeiter

Projekt Biomasse Donau-Delta

Email: alexander.petrikhin(at)
Denys Vynogradskyi, M.Sc. Mechanical engineering


Wiss. Mitarbeiter

Project Upcycling Holz-Palette

Email: denis.vinogradskiy(at)
Rysgul Baltabayeva, M.Sc. Chemie


Wiss. Mitarbeiterin

Projekt Astacus

Email: rysgul.baltabayeva(at)
Eugen Breining, Dipl.-Ing.


Projekmanagement, Konzeptentwicklung
Email: eugen.breining(at)
Dr. Andreas Frost

Schwerpunkte: Internationales Recht, Konfliktlösung durch Mediation, Schlichtung und Rechtsstreitigkeiten, Claim Management, Durchführung von ADR-Verfahren, Änderungsmanagement.

Maria Lazareva
Wiss. Mitarbeiterin

Projekt “Präsenz EnergyTech India”

Email: maria.lazareva(at)